Saturday, May 3, 2008

Faces of Tony Villar, shoeshine guy ?

Anonymous said... LOL - those have got to be the WORST photos of Randi and Tony. May 2, 2008 7:57 PM

That image was from a not so flattering article in the New Yorker magazine.

The many happy faces of your Mini Mayor...

Rush Limbaugh appeared on Fox News to discuss to Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Limbaugh responded with a story about how President Bill Clinton once allegedly tried to hit on his date, because he has a crush on her. He said that Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who was with Clinton, distracted him, because he wasn’t sure if Villaraigosa was a “shoe shine guy” or a “Secret Service agent”:

"I understand now why Bill Clinton hit on my date about a year ago at the Kobe Club in New York. I was minding my own business and Clinton came in. And the short version is he used the mayor of Los Angeles to distract me, while hitting on my date.

He came over three or four times, had Ron Burkle with him and the mayor of Los Angeles, who I thought was either the shoe shine guy or a Secret Service agent".

For his comments MSNBC's Keith Olbermann named Limbaugh todays "Worst Person In the World".


Anonymous said...

Short Man's Syndrome

An angry male of below average height who feels it necessary to act out in an attempt to gain respect and recognition from others and compensate for his abnormally short stature.

Also synonomous to little man syndrome.

"he got sms"

Anonymous said...

Limbaugh story: Gotta love it, Tony Villar playing wingman for Bill Clinton.

Anonymous said...

I respectfully request that the photo of our Mayor holding up a toilet plunger with the caption of "Sanitized by your Mayr" be removed from this blog immediately. This is a racist depiction and a discredit to the integrity of this message board. While I am not happy with a lot of the Mayor's budgetary decisions, racist depictions of any one is acceptable and does not belong here.

Rumblings in ITA said...

Rumblings has listened and removed the image of the Mini Mayor holding up a toilet brush.

Please remember it was Villaraigosa himself that uttered "we clean your toilets", thus equating himself to the hardworking people that do that kind of work for a living. As a result thousands of toilet brushes were delivered to the Mayor's Office in City Hall.

You reap what you sow.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

While the Mayor may have put his foot in his mouth, we don't have to take advantage of it with anything that can be construed as racist.

Again, you have upheld the integrity of this message board.

My sincere appreciation.