Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Focus on Channel 36

Rumblings would like to thank the "Clippings for PEG Access Television - Contributions to the Community Media Conversation" blog for recognizing our efforts to keep the voice that is Channel 36 alive.

We are glad that, with the help of Councilman Rosendahl, the attention we focused on the proposed budget for fiscal year 08-09, has not only restored fully, but bumped up by 10% ($605K).

LA Times 5/1: The Monday morning that the mayor released his budget, Carla Carlini, the general manager of Channel 36, was nervous. The city nearly whacked Channel 36 four years ago, and the city’s red ink is a lot more crimson now. “I looked at it online,” she told me, “and literally froze.” Her budget was zero. “I printed it out, I looked at it again — at that point I picked up the phone and called [the agency that supervises the channel] and said, ‘Am I reading this correctly?’ and they said, ‘Yes.’ “

That agency? ITA

Clearly Randi and the ITA managers who horde the $3 million dollar budget for the Channel 35 (which is like one big campaign commercial for the Mini mayor and City Councilmembers), underestimated the communities outcry on behalf of Channel 36.
We are all glad that Channel 36 will carry on come July 1.


Anonymous said...

PEG = Public, Educational and Governmental Access

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Rumblings is playing a major role in promoting honest government. Keep up the good work!