Friday, February 29, 2008

Let them eat cake!

Because your Mini Mayor (credit Steve Lopez of the LA Times for that one) was slammed by the CLA's office for his budget relief ideas (employee furloughs, used car sales), all departments, including ITA are scrambling to cut and slash current and future FY expenditures.

Oddly though, as you all try to scrimp and save, ITA GM Randi Levin is having new designer carpeting and furniture installed upon her throne. Next time you are on the 14th floor at City Hall East don't forget to ask it they are giving tours of her new "baby blue room". One has to wonder about the disconnect that exists at that level. Didn't that entire floor just get new floor coverings last year? Apparently the new ITA motto is: "Do as I say, not as I do".

Word has also filtered in that about 480 of the 843 ITA employees filled out the voluntary "Work Furlough" survey. Of those 480 less than 20% agreed to give up any time. That's about 96 out of 840+ (11.5%). As the CLA stated a far cry than what the Mayor's proposal needed to make an impact on any "structural deficit".

Finally, utter shock and sadness this week amongst Rumblers, as it appears ITA Executive Officer Ken Simmons has survived another inquest into his management dalliances at ITA. Rumblings reads here that one of your former co-workers was denied her discrimination appeal on February 14th (see Item #7):

It appears that Simmons on-going outrageous behavior is not only being tolerated but re-enforced by the City Personnel/Civil Service Commission. Never fear, Rumblings is looking into the cost of outfitting all ITA staffers with mace and pepper spray.

Hey wait!, isn't yelling at employees considered a form of workplace violence? Did Simmons miss last years training classes for ITA managers on that very subject? Perhaps Anger Management classes are also in order, or maybe he needs blue carpet too; most would agree it's a very soothing color.

One also has to wonder about a General Manager that condones such behavior from her subordinates. Oh yeah, she didn't hear anything over the ocean breeze soundtrack playing in her newly updated digs.

Keep on Rumbling ITA!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

More rumblings

We are sure all of ITA has received this missive from the illustrious ITA Time Keeper,

"Fellow Colleagues:

At last count, 339 employees responded to the Work Furlough Survey. ITA would like ALL full-time employees to participate in this survey. If you do not intend to take any work furlough days, please indicate so in the survey. Ruben B. Vasquez Jr. Personnel Director"

Rumblings wants to say "Thanks" to the 60% of our fellow ITA Rumblers that resisted the opportunity to bail out City management. We hope that the 2pm deadline today came and went with not many more chiming in. Rumblings is certain that pressure will be placed upon ITA managers to get everyone who has not, to respond. Hold fast to your convictions. Even if your response is HELL NO, NO FURLOUGH! to the survey, why respond via some website that has no built in prevention for fraud and erroneous data being submitted or posted.

The question also begs; Why should you bail out the Mayor, City Council and City management when they have created this mess themselves and now want to lay it on your backs? Are they taking 5 days off? Are they giving up their "company" cars? Not likely.

We have read in recent days about the largess at DWP. Do you really believethat ITA is that much different? No, it is not, thanks to Ken Simmons. The menace that once patrolled the hallways of Redondo Beach and LA City's Housing Department washed up on ITA shores a couple years back.

What was his mis-management of funds for a library project in Redondo and very expensive law suits stemming from abuse of employees at Housing (still pending?), is now an out of control 311 project, sucking funds from all other ITA coffers, and a mass exodus of ITA brain power to avoid this mans on-going abuse and lack of management skills (let alone IT expertise).

The best and the brightest are leaving ITA in numbers. Morale is at an all time low and the GM is clueless about that fact, even asking her exec "team " if its really that bad. Yes madame IT the cancer is within and it's stems from your right hand mans management by "fear and intimidation" tactics.

Unfortunately for Villaraigosa and Levin, the solution will be a lot more expensive than 100K and a "thanks for your wonderful service, Ken" that he got in Redondo Beach. The City Council may be paying off a lot more big law suits like they already are because of his mis-deeds at Housing.

Other City IT managers must be licking their chops at the possibilities within the ITA talent pool. Congrats Randi, because you have backed the man that wants your job, you have succeeded in strengthening other departments IT capabilities and weakened your own. Smart cookie.

Rumblings wants to thank our friends at ITA and elsewhere in the City "team". Please continue to forward this message to all of your City friends and partners.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fun at the old water cooler

Team, (sorry couldn't resist),

So Madame ITA is gloating after Proposition S (S as in "Sham") passed on Tuesday. The gullible City voters, either in love with their very lovable Mayor Villar or scared by the misleading ads with Police Chief Bratton decrying chaos in the city, didn't do their homework. Reminds one of the Twilight Zone "To Serve Man" episode in which the clueless earthlings think the alien invaders are there to help them.

It's a cookbook, people !!!

Here's Randi's missive: "Team, I am happy to announce that Prop S, the Telephone Users Tax, has passed. This is a great thing for the city as well as for the community. The city maintains this revenue stream and the community gets a reduced tax from 10 to 9 %. Unfortunately we still have significant revenue shortfalls in the city and will still be managing costs very aggressively citywide. All your help and suggestions are welcome. I appreciate all your support.
Sincerely, Randi"

So the voters bought into a reduction in their phone bill (10% to 9%), right? Reality is the 10% tax was ruled illegal in 2005 and reduced to ZERO! What the fine constituents were sold was an increase from 0% to 9%. Nice.

Way to go Madame GM, not exactly electioneering, since the vote was already cast, but her email certainly smacks of ugly politics after the fact. I guess she thinks ITA staffers are just as clueless as the city voters. Good thing most of ITA lives elsewhere or maybe she'd be right.

In the next water cooler rumbling the "timing" of the proposed "voluntary" work furlough program memo will be a subject. Then again now that Prop S (as in Sheep) has passed, maybe this was just another scare tactic? But Rumblings must wonder (out loud), do they get to keep their vehicles now?

Rumblings did receive an interesting email snippet from a "friend":

"Hi there, Sorry I missed you. I ran into [name deleted] today and we were talking about ITA. Apparently, in the last Exec Mtg Randi asked everyone there if they knew about Rumblings @ ITA. No one said a peep. Then she asked about morale and I guess only Mark had the nerve to tell her it was down. She's been there 10 months and can't figure what morale is like?? She's so clueless."

Yes, staff is frustrated. Yes, morale is at an all time low. Yes, it's sad she hasn't a clue. It's also sad that other managers in that room didn't say anything, because they know. Some are the cause department morose. Thank you to Mark for his honesty. Maybe he will be tasked with charting staff morale in a presentation at the next "All Hands" soiree.

Speaking of presentations, maybe Randi can play her Power Point presentation as well, that will help morale. For those ITA staffers that have seen it, the contempt is palpable.

To the friends of Rumblings, both new and old, it's nice to have a following. It's also nice that Rumblings is everywhere. As Jerry Dunphy used to say, "from the desert to the sea to all over Southern California". Numerous e-mails have flowed in, whether from ITA or from other departments, they have washed upon the shore here.