Friday, May 16, 2008

Last day to apply...

Randi is hiring two more AGM's. One to replace Simmons and the other? Today (5/16) was the last day to apply.
This was a comment to the "overtime pay" post, but Rumblings felt it works for the "2 new AGM's" post as well:
Anonymous said... Those supporting communications account for over 300 people of this department. This is over a third of the department. Given this level of responsibility the two directors of communications should be AGMs. At least they should be given membership on the exec team.
Compared to others at the equivalent ISM2 level the directors of communications have way more responsibility than any of the ISM2s, and even some AGMs. the old guard AGMs have used gerry-mandering and divide and conquer tactics to dilute the power of communications services and it has worked very well for them.
The overtime numbers reflect the attempts of exec team to further pare down communications services staff. now there is no choice but to shore up services using overtime.
Randi had no idea what she was in for when she signed up for the job. What we need are a GM and AGMs recruited from either the communications ranks or someone recruited from the telecommunications business like Verizon or AT&T that understands communications. May 17, 2008 9:10 AM


Anonymous said...

A little birdie told me that they had to rob Peter to pay Paul (positions/funding) so that Gene Gamachi could have his AGM position in FY07-08. One of these positions will likely legitimize that for future FY's.

The 2nd AGM spot is likely to replace Ken Simmons. It could be going to the CAO cast off that is currently running fiscal/admin. operations for ITA or one of Randi's cronies from outside ITA. That will be a wait and see game.

I urge Rumblings to keep digging deep, you always get the best dirt.

Anonymous said...

She should bring Jan and Kyle back to run the admin section. Jan as XO and Kyle as the Chief.

Anonymous said...

What??? This is totally insane. Why do we need another XO lacky? I thought the City is in a dire financial situation. Where is Randi getting the monies to fund these positions?

One has to wonder how Randi is getting away with this crap since these two additional AGM positions were not included in the 08/09 ITA Budget.

Wouldn't the monies be better spent on hiring additional rank & file employees that actually do the work? Or how about using the monies to supply the Network Communications Group with the necessary vehicles so they can do their jobs.

WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! Randi does not give a damn about providing quality service. She's more concerned with hiring high level managers to help twiddle her thumbs.