Friday, May 16, 2008

City of Los Angeles Layoff Process



Anonymous said...

Besides this, please go read the
CLA budget recommendations, which
actually restore some positions.
Also consider that the placement
of the link to this in LARGE GREEN
LETTERS on the personnel department
web page might be part of the
continuing effort to intimidate

Anonymous said...

And, the CLA report identifies Salary Accounts as potential budget deficits, "if short term layoffs are not realized and departments are unable to fully absorb additional budget reductions."
Parks discussed during B&F Committee deliberations what amount of the $23 million reduced for the furloughs was EAA-related. The CAO/CLA couldn't answer the question, so he asked for a report back. He recognized verbally that EAA had no such opener to even discuss layoffs (like the coalition does), so he was concerned that that portion of the $23 million attributed to EAA would need to be either funded or absorbed by the departments.