Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Congratulations Mark!

Rumblings sends a hearty "congrats" to Mark Wolf. Word from "the view from 14" is that Mark will soon be named Executive Officer of ITA.

Comment overheard at a retirement reception today "A million times improvement over his predecessor".
Tuesday - May 27, 2008 11:22 AM
From: Randi Levin
To: ITAAll
Subject: re: Appointment of Mark Wolf
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Wolf as Executive Officer for the Information Technology Agency (ITA).
Mark has more than twenty three years of experience in information technology and has made a positive impact on the City by improving access to City services and information for the citizens and business of Los Angeles. For the past two years, Mark has served as Assistant General Manager for ITA managing Internet Systems, LA CityView Channel 35, Video/Cable Services Regulation as well as many of our strategic initiatives.
Prior to his appointment as Assistant General Manager he served as the City of Los Angeles’ E-Government Director for the Mayor’s Office responsible for developing strategies and oversight for the implementation of technology in the City.
I have worked with Mark for over a year and I have come to appreciate his knowledge of IT, his collaborative style, his relationships he has built with other departments, as well as his vendor and elected officials relationships. This is a well deserved appointment.
Please assist me in congratulating Mark on his appointment.
Randi Levin
General Manager and Chief Technology Officer
(213) 978-3311
A week after it was announced here, but positive news never comes late. As stated last week: Congratulations Mark and thanks for your past honesty and candor.
Anonymous said ... C'mon now, Mark is not the pillar of light in the great hall of ITA darkness that this post makes him out to be. He is just another kiss ass like Roger and Kamton. My god, have you seen how he leads Randi around like a personal valet? He may be a smooth talker and well connected to the Mayor's staff, but he doesn't have any more spine than the rest of the jellyfish that make up the executive team. So in the end, our executive team is a bunch of mealy mouthed soothesayers who don't have the gumption to stand up a fight for this department or for good government. They give in to every stupid notion from the Mayor's office or complaint from other department. We are doomed to mediocrity. June 7, 2008 10:44 AM


Anonymous said...

Remember this from one of Rumblings original posts?

"Hi there, Sorry I missed you. I ran into [name deleted] today and we were talking about ITA. Apparently, in the last Exec Mtg Randi asked everyone there if they knew about Rumblings @ ITA. No one said a peep. Then she asked about morale and I guess only Mark had the nerve to tell her it was down. She's been there 10 months and can't figure what morale is like?? She's so clueless."

Yes, staff is frustrated. Yes, morale is at an all time low. Yes, it's sad she hasn't a clue. It's also sad that other managers in that room didn't say anything, because they know. Some are the cause department morose. Thank you to Mark for his honesty. Maybe he will be tasked with charting staff morale in a presentation at the next "All Hands" soiree.

Honesty and transparency, valuable assets for an XO.

Anonymous said...

C'mon now, Mark is not the pillar of light in the great hall of ITA darkness that this post makes him out to be. He is just another kiss ass like Roger and Kamton. My god, have you seen how he leads Randi around like a personal valet? He may be a smooth talker and well connected to the Mayor's staff, but he doesn't have any more spine than the rest of the jellyfish that make up the executive team.

So in the end, our executive team is a bunch of mealy mouthed soothesayers who don't have the gumption to stand up a fight for this department or for good government. They give in to every stupid notion from the Mayor's office or complaint from other department.

We are doomed to mediocrity.

Anonymous said...

I'm just a citizen, not an ITA employee. However, I really can’t stand whiners and complainers. If you don't like your job, get another one.