Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ummm, nevermind

Looking somewhat beaten down and hackneyed ITA GM Randi Levin and her trusty side-KICK, AGM Roger Fernandez, made a trek back from City Council chambers to CHE14 earlier today. What pressing command could have elicited such a dour pall? One could only wonder as the two trudged home, tails-a-dragging.

Not much more than an hour would pass before the light would shine in an email from the 311 supervisor. Stealing the favorite salutation of ITAs’ Queen Bee:

“Team”, per Roger Fernandez, the 3-1-1 Call Center will remain open for the Cesar Chavez Holiday. Please retract all notifications indicating that 3-1-1 will be closed.

It appears Madame IT and her lap dog failed to get permission from the powers that be. All those “economic uncertainties” she spoke of in her 3/19 memo paled in comparison to the needs of the constituents and those of city clientele.

Rumblings must wonder out loud, in this climate of change and shifting winds at City Hall, whether asking for forgiveness after the fact really is better than asking for permission in advance?

Guess that depends on who gets spanked.

UPDATE: Thanks to a fellow Rumbler for the link.

It was Councilmembers Parks and Cardenas that called Randi on the carpet (pun intended).



Anonymous said...

Another example of how clueless Randi really is. She must think that she's still working in private industry.

Anonymous said...

This makes ITA look so stupid to all the other departments. But then again, what's new? Good job Randi !!!

Anonymous said...

This is just further evidence that not only is she out of touch with her own "Team" she is not on the same page as our elected officials who she is constantly kissing their you know whats. I don't know what I am more amazed at, her memo that went out to all departments or the amount of time it took Council to reel her in. I admire Cesar Chavez but who else in LA will be off on Monday besides the City and State. Won't Monday be business as usual for the rest of the world. Won't the 24x7 departments and public still need 311. Maybe a bigger issue, as rumored on the 14th floor which put the 311 am shift on the budget chopping block, gosh, better rethink that one, Rand.

Anonymous said...


Parks and Cardenas called her on the carpet (pun intended).

Anonymous said...

from ITA's intranet

"3-1-1 is an easy to remember, citywide, toll free number that provides immediate access to information and more than 1,600 City non-emergency services. Calls are answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by 3-1-1 Ambassadors who are trained to provide service and information, or to refer callers to the correct city agency the first time, every time."

Ahhhh, this year has 366 days! There was one day of wiggle room!