Monday, March 10, 2008

Excerpts from the old LAHD blog

Here are some snippets from the old LAHD blog:

" I have to agree with the "medal-giving" poster in regards to the LAHD Ken Simmons and Agnes Lung-Tam are two of the most corrupt, morally bankrupt mis-managers in the city".

"The way I understand it is that Mr. Simmons was fired from the City of Redondo Beach for allegedly spying on City public safety unions engaged in private discussions at the Redondo Beach Library. Surveillance cameras were used".

"Just to add to whats been stated and re-stated about LAHD's Ken Simmons, Agnes Lung-Tam and Mirta Ocana all got my vote for WORST BOSSES".

"I was not aware of Simmons' history at Redondo at all, but I guess the cliche rings true, "where there's smoke theres usually fire".

Thanks to friends at Housing for sharing their feelings at the time. What was once LAHD's nightmare is now ITA's.

Please do the right thing Randi.

Keep Rumbling!!!

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