Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Right on the heels of sending out the latest info on the very unsuccessful "Work Furlough Program", comes word from ITA's illustrious Time Keeper regarding the Mini Mayor's threatened "layoffs".

"Fellow Colleagues:

Many of you have received, or will be receiving Employee Personal Work History Verification documentation. It is imperative that the documentation be reviewed thoroughly and the requested information be completed, and submitted as instructed no later than Tuesday, March 25th, 2008. The memo indicates that you should contact your designated personnel liaison regarding suspected errors. Due to the projected volume of inquiries, we ask that you instead contact the ITA-HR main line at 213-978-3333 for all inquiries regarding your work history. An HR representative may be able to assist you or schedule you for an appointment with an Analyst to discuss your issue.

As the attached memo indicates, this exercise is being used to EVALUATE the effects of potential layoff and is not, and should not be interpreted as a notice that layoffs are imminent. The City is continuing to explore options to avoid layoffs.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in reviewing your employment work history".

ITA employees are being asked to validate their own "Employee Work History Verification" documents. According to Randi's missive attached in Ruben's e-mail, the information on these forms will be used to establish pecking orders.

Pure political posturing folks, the diminutive Mayor is trying to look tough. Layoffs cost more than they save, just ask the DWP.

Additionally, these scare tactics are being directed City labor unions, hoping to get them back to bargaining tables. ITA staffers must remember that the union representing technical classes (which is most of you) did not agree to a "re-opener" clause as the "coalition" union representing clerical staff did. There will be no bargaining.


Anonymous said...

The only re-opener of negotiations agreed to between EAA and the City was re: common-class discrepancies between Council-controlled departments and DWP. (This is NOT about the cost of living raised agreed to in the current MOU.)

Unfair Employee Relations Practice #1652 has been filed by EAA against the Office of the CAO alleging a failure to bargain in good faith re: above descrepances. See the ERB minutes referenced below, in which Employee Relations Board voted to send UERP #1652 to hearing.


Anonymous said...

Randi can only do sooo much she stated a lot of wonderful ideas in the breakfast and surely sounded like she had done her homework extremely well...You people should be BLASTING THE MAYOR...he is the one that seems totally unorganized and unreasonable...and unknowledgeable...how all of a sudden after such a wonderful surplus do you all of a sudden have no money and in sooo much trouble where was the auditing commitee where is the recording keeping..???? Where I will leave the reset of this alone...Randi is a woman with a positive and constructive vision hopefully it will be able to manifest.