Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hot off the presses

ITA just completed their budget hearing:

IT Consolidation: Committee chair Bernard Parks requested that ITA and the Mayors Office review and report back on the IT consolidation process and the estimated cost savings to the City before any consolidation can take place. Sally Choi, of the Mayor's Office, requested that ITA be allowed to move forward on the consolidation of CCYF and the Board of Public Works, but
CM Parks rebutted that and asked that the review take place first (with ITA, the Mayors Office and the departments impacted all at the table). In the end it appears Choi and Randi's scheme is moving forward with the LAFD and City Clerk ITA consolidations on hold. For now.

Channel 36 and cable franchise oversight: Councilman Rosendahl and other board members discussed the funding cuts to Channel 36 and asked that ITA and the Mayors Office look at restoring that funding through the 1% franchise fee that the City will get from the State of California or perhaps by some other means. Citing Channel 36 as an invaluable asset to the citizens of Los Angeles. Rosendahl chided the State for taking cable regulatory control away from the local governments.

Other discussions: The committee focused on the Zero based budget process that ITA used for FY08-09 (CM's Rosendahl and Greuel lauded Randi for undertaking the budget tact). ITA was also praised for its mainframe print elimination project.

Randi and staff were not questioned on the reduction of 311 hours.
All in all, Randi got off pretty easy.
Anonymous said... I was there, Choi got more heat for the consolidation issue than Randi. Parks spoke about departments circling the wagons and digging in their heels to prevent the ITA take over. He also stated he was concerned that the issue created unnecessary rumor and false information. I don't think Roger or Kamton ever spoke.

Rumblings in ITA said... It's does seem Sally Choi has been the mouth-piece for ITA alot lately, if she wasn't slated for the GM position at LACERS, we wouldn't be surprised if she had ITA in her sights (XO?).

The View from 14 wonders why wouldn't you get a targeted departments buy-in before you undertake such a plan? We are sure LAFD and City Clerk are wondering the same.

ITA's 2008-09 Budget hearing day


ROOM 340


1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

General Managers provide overview of the following budgets; CAO comments follow.

Public Services:

Environmental Affairs

Administrative and Support Services:

Department of General Services
Information Technology Agency
Personnel Department
- Human Resources Benefits
Department of Pensions
City Employees’ Retirement System

Public Comment

Link to full schedule

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Well deserved ...

From: Randi Levin
Tuesday - April 29, 2008 5:33 PM
CC: Choi, Sally

Subject: Announcement - Gene Gamachi

Dear IT team members:I am pleased to announce the official appointment of Gene Gamachi as ITA’s Assistant General Manager of the Enterprise Systems and Security Services.

Gene was personally interviewed today by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa who gave his approval and complete support to Gene.

As you may know, Gene’s appointment has been a lengthy and arduous process. Throughout it all, Gene has maintained his professionalism and commitment. Gene's commitment to excellence, his work ethic, his ability communicate technical issues in non-technical ways and his leadership makes Gene the right person for this position. I have met very few infrastructure leaders in my career that have the right combination of these skills to be an effective leader, and Gene is one of them.

I look forward to continue to work with Gene as he spearheads many critical initiatives modernizing our data centers and network operations.

Please join me in congratulating Gene Gamachi and stop by to wish Gene well in his official appointment.

Randi Levin
General Manager and Chief Technology Officer
(213) 978-3311
Positive, quality communication from on high. Not sure that it signals a change in that process, but clearly the kind of message the department needs to hear. Want a department consensus? Count the number of congratulatory e-mails that Gene gets.

Monday, April 28, 2008

The future of Wi-Fi up in the air ...

Good article in the LA Daily News on the subject today: L.A. left hanging on Metro plans on Wi-Fi
Excerpt: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's call last year to blanket Los Angeles with Wi-Fi access was dropped like a bad cell phone connection after EarthLink backed out of an agreement.

The struggling service company had planned to install the network at no cost to the city with radio transmitters on street lamps and other properties, hoping to make money by offering subscriptions to the service.

But company officials later decided the business model didn't work. Similar Wi-Fi arrangements by Earthlink around the country have also been unplugged. Late last year, the provider announced plans to lay off 900 employees.

Other cities around the country also saw well-intended Wi-Fi plans sink because they wanted wireless companies to install the technology for free but then would not commit their city departments - such as fire, police and utilities - to using the system.

Because of that, many wireless businesses were not guaranteed the service would be used - which forced many to cancel the deals, said Don Lanham, president of 4G Metro, a Texas-based wireless broadband network integrator that brings Wi-Fi to cities and public transportation.

"To put it out there for free? That's nuts. That's like asking IBM to supply a free computer to everyone in the country," Lanham said. "We're for-profit. We're not nonprofit."

Still, Villaraigosa remains interested in providing Wi-Fi service in the city, and a feasibility report on financing options is expected to be considered within a month, Villaraigosa spokesman Matt Szabo said.

"The mayor is still absolutely committed to bringing Wi-Fi to Los Angeles," Szabo said.

We shall see.

Budget hearings ...

The City Council - Budget and Finance Committee started their hearings today on the Mayor's "Budget for the Streets" - FY 2008-09.

Public Safety (LAPD and LAFD) was on today's agenda.

The Live & On-Demand sessions hadn't been linked at the time of this posting.
If anyone has heard anything - post a comment.

In todays budget hearing the LAFD Chief Engineer Douglas L. Barry requested that the proposal to take 41 IT positions and their functions, from LAFD and turn them over to ITA be reviewed further. He could see no direct dollar savings by this move. The Mayor's Office budget team agreed and the proposal was placed on hold.

Council Budget Committee chair Bernard Parks also requested that the proposals for similar proposals for the City Clerk, Board of Public Works and Children Youth and Family be placed under the same scrutiny.

A major set back for Randi's CTO prerogative.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Enough blame to go around ...

... but, with 100% of the precincts reporting it's Randi by a landslide:

Who is most responsible for the lack of communication in ITA?

A. Randi Levin
44 votes (54%)

B. AGM's
22 votes (27%)

C. 2nd/3rd string managers
15 votes (18%)

Some comments brought to the front:

Anonymous said... Having been the one to post the first comment to your blog, I have been disenchanted to see the turn your blog seems to have taken - nothing less than a forum for whining and complaining. As they say... if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Randi can't be all things to all people - no one can. Sometimes it better to look at the intent of the choices she makes than their effectiveness. Learning what works well in the City takes time and patience. We all know that. I think it is high time we cut her some slack and provide to her the support she needs to turn ITA around.

I would encourage everyone who reads this blog to communicate to her their ideas of what would make ITA a better place to work at and provide the best service that it can. Let's try for once to focus on the positive, how little some perceive there may be, than on the negative.

I would venture to say that of the seven or so GMs ITA has had since Wendell's departure, Randi is by far the best we have had. Let real people - there's no perfect GM. A novel idea - how about if we work the best that we can with what we have and stop thinking that's there's a better GM out there. Not at a City's pay level --- not that a higher pay is in it of itself an assurance of qualifications. You only need to hear the news of all the financial disasters brought about by millionaire CEOs.

No - I'm not a member of exec mgmt. I'm someone who likes my job and the people I work with. April 28, 2008 8:20 AM

Rumblings in ITA said... 8:20 AM commenter: Like you, Rumblers like their jobs, the people we work with, ITA and the City of LA. With Simmons gone, Randi is going to get the slack you speak of, but if decisions that are made by her and those she insulates herself with, are not successful, it will be noted here without hesitation. April 28, 2008 9:33 AM

No matter the current GM's intentions, it's the outcome of the decisions that are made at that level and their impact on this department and the City of Los Angeles that will determine a GM's fate.

As the 8:20 am commentor suggested it would be good to hear all views. They are now and have always been welcomed here. Everyone needs to speak up, we all need all insights. This is everyone in ITA's blog, and isn't only about whining and complaining. If you think the people of this department (from clerk to manager), are doing positive things to affect ITA, other departments, the City as a whole and the citizens who pay our salaries, make a comment or send an e-mail. It will be recognized.

Let's remember that the purpose of the vote and of this blog entry is to highlight the lack of communication from above, we can and need to communicate with one another.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Simmons is ... GONE!!!

A nice "GO AWAY" reception was held for Ken Simmons today. Two weeks earlier than he had announced himself, cake was served and kind words flowed.

The usual hanger-ons (J.B., A.L-T., et al) were on hand to bid their farewells and best wishes, as well as those whose presence was "requested" to help fill the room.

While the air was not as "thick" as it was the day that Thera Bradshaw "retired", it was clear that a level of hushed joy existed. That same feeling has circulated throughout ITA since Rumblings announced Simmons pending departure back on April 16th.

Word has it that Simmons is seeking future employment with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The View from 14 and Rumblings will begin a campaign to make sure key folks at HUD are aware of what they might be getting involved in. No one would wish that on anyone.

Finally, the View from 14 and Rumblings in ITA must take a moment to say "Thank you Randi". Thanks for doing the right thing, this time.
One commenter states: Actually, I heard that he was a candidate for a position with the LA Housing Authority...not HUD. Just in case, let them both know about him.
Some other comments brought to the front:

Anonymous said... Dont' drink the kool aid, folks. The exec team moles in this thread are trying to sell you the idea that an XO position is something valuable and important in ITA. The XO is only there to kiss ass to politicians. The ITA exec team needs to grow a pair and say NO! to the dimwits across the street so we can do our jobs. April 27, 2008 9:45 PM

Anonymous said... If Randi is indeed trying to do what is best for the overall morale of the ITA staff then she needs to take a closer look at those that followed in Ken's wake. She may be surprised to find out that some of those she holds in high regard are only paying lip service to her vision. They will say/do whatever is necessary to move their careers forward - all other considerations - teamwork, open communication, etc.. be dammed. These are only secondary to their personal agenda. These ladies know who they are. And I suspect many others do as well. April 28, 2008 11:08 AM

A kind word from our friends in LAFD

LAFD Media and Public Relations said...

I found this blog when our searchbot noted your mention of 'LAFD'.
It is a well-crafted and thought provoking endeavor. While word may not always travel as far - or as fast - as we'd like, please know that the men and women of the Los Angeles Fire Department remain deeply appreciative of our City's hardworking IT staff. Whether one formally labors within the organization chart of ITA or LAFD, the truth remains that our agency runs on the information you provide.

Thanks for all you do to make the magic happen, and best wishes.

Respectfully Yours in Safety and Service,

Brian Humphrey
Public Service Officer
Los Angeles Fire Department

PS: Our condolences on the passing of Mike Nares. He was a wonderful asset to the City and those that each and all of us proudly serve. May his intellect and tenacity continue to inspire us in the challenging year ahead.

LAFD Blog:

Thank you Brian.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"CIO Initiative" re-packaged

The same "power play" that Liza Lowery was never able to see to fruition, has now been set in motion by Randi Levin thanks to the support of the Mini Mayor.

"The view from 14" calls it the "CTO Prerogative".

The FY08-09 budget reads: All systems positions and services currently in the (fill in Department name) are being functionally transferred to the Information Technology Agency. This transfer is part of the first phase of a multi-year City Information Technology (IT) consolidation effort that will establish overall IT direction and prioritization, budgeting, funding, and performance management within ITA.

The Board of Public Works, City Clerk, Commission on Children Youth and Family and LAFD are the first set of lab rats.

As ITA was losing some of it's best and brightest to other City departments (DWP, Airports, Planning, Engineering, Library, CAO, and others), many of defections prompted by the smooth management styling of Mr. Ken Simmons, Randi dusted off Liza's old notes and put a bug in the "diminutive ones" ear.

While the consolidation of citywide IT, never got of the ground under poor Liza (her illness and a weak Mayor) and then Thera Bradshaw was point-blank warned by City council, "Don't even think about it!", it's clear the third Queen of ITA, has been given the sceptre.

However, when you read the Mayor's budget summary comments, one thing becomes clear, if ITA doesn't make this work, you will have a new GM come FY 09-10. "Subsequent changes will depend upon the success of these initial efforts".

Let's hope she's around long enough to wear out that new carpeting.

Monday, April 21, 2008

FY 2008-09 Budget links

Some interesting stuff relating to ITA (pages 373-409)

Page 393 #4 - Elimination of the 311 grave yard shift

IT support consolidations:

Page 401 #22:
City Clerk IT staff moves to ITA.
Page 401 #23: Public Works Board IT staff moves to ITA.
Page 402 #24: CCYF IT position coming to ITA.
Page 413 #5: LAFD IT positions coming to ITA.

Mayor's IT efficiencies comments:

One of the easiest ways to cut unnecessary spending and improve efficiency is to modernize, streamline and consolidate the City’s information technology (IT) functions. Currently, we spend nearly $500 million every year on IT equipment, maintenance, infrastructure and labor. Meanwhile, various departments have formed mini-IT sections, duplicating work and increasing costs. This has left the City lagging behind the pack in effective use of technology – and it is high time L.A.’s leaders took action to shift course.

Reviewing and restructuring the City’s IT responsibilities will require a multi-year strategy and a longterm commitment from L.A.’s different departments. This budget plan takes steps to launch this effort in the coming year and ensure its success in the years to come.

The aim of this modernization initiative is to support the delivery of City services and improve our management capacity and accountability. The Information Technology Agency (ITA) is already working with all City departments to obtain better discounts for computer hardware and software purchases; consolidate expensive servers; and eliminate redundant IT projects. My budget proposal transfers City agencies’ stand-alone IT sections and personnel to ITA, thereby boosting service levels and reducing costs.

Before taking this initiative citywide, however, the budget calls on ITA to undertake a series of pilot projects, starting the with Bureau of Public Works and the City Clerk’s Office, and extending to the Fire Department, the Commission for Children, Youth and Their Families (CCYF) and the Office of Gang Reduction and Youth Development (GRYD). Subsequent changes will depend upon the success of these initial efforts.

All links:
Today, It's good to be the Queen: Rumblings has learned that folks in BPW, City Clerk and LAFD aren't very happy about this budget. While it's clear Randi has the Mini Mayor's mandate, expect much more debate on her plan for ITA to take over the City's IT world.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Bueller !?! ... Bueller !?! ...

Who can forget that famous tag line from the movie "Ferris Buellers Day Off", when the high school economics teacher played by Ben Stein, is calling roll, but alas, the star of the show is no where to be found?

ITA's beloved leader Randi decided to play the role of the nutty professor herself this week, to a room full of ITA managers, by having her executive secretary call roll. Just like Mr. Stein’s classroom, resounding "I’m here!" responses could be heard over the din of chatter, as the managers exchanged pleasantries, prior to the commencement of that days lesson.

The subject matter for the day was "communication" and all pupils present were subjected to a role-playing exercise of their own. Some managers had to pretend to be irate clients from outside departments, while others had to role play an ITA employee attempting to un-ruffle feathers. Aside from the five or so kiss-asses (they know who they are) amongst the management crowd, the rest of the classroom sat pretty much in stunned, yet amused silence.

After the role-playing proceedings had finished up, a well intentioned manager was expressing her views in relation to a “real-life” work related scenario, similar to the communication exercise. Apparently, her views on how to resolve such an issue were conflicting with Randi's agenda. So much so, that upon hearing the manager make her comments, Randi blurted out “perhaps you need electroshock therapy". Huh?

Here we have a manager speaking up in a meeting focused on improving departmental communications, yet she gets chastised for her response and comments? Doesn't take much to wonder after that kind of exchange why managers in this department have either resorted to a dead silence (accepting of their fate) or they have become one of Randi's YES men or women. It seems the GM has learned a few lessons from the soon to be departed AGM/XO on how to instill fear and intimidation through verbal abuse.

It seems so ironic that professor Randi's lesson on the importance of communication and an attempt to overcome the lack of information flow from ITA management, since her arrival, resulted in a sophomoric medical diagnosis and a group of managers wondering whether they should ever open their mouths again. Maybe they should have ditched Randi, stolen their dads sports car and taken a joy ride on the Loop.

Danke Shoen!

It's becoming very clear that Randi has a big time aversion to views contrary to her own. Hence, the very school child like name calling highlighted in previous blog entries/polls and the aggressive attempt to ferret out the authors of this blog and shut it down.
Rumblings remains the most open line of communication in ITA.

Never stop Rumbling!
Some seem to forget that this is your blog (our blog), there is no Mr. Rumbles. In fairness to everyone who reads and responds to the posts here, the moderators allow every comment and post every email (on subject) that we receive.
On 4/21 one anonymous commenter's had this to say, we felt it was important to display it here out front as well as in the comments ...
Come on Mr. Rumbles. As I remember it, there was only one manager that volunteered to be part of role playing, so where are the 5 KA's? (I also would not call her a KA for volunteering) Also, certain things are said in joke and are to be taken as such. I did not perceive shock in the room with that electroshock joke. Furthermore, many in the room were participating in the discussions. Granted, there could have been a little more preparation on Randi's part rather than winging the exercise, but I guess she feels comfortable doing that or it might just be too much to have to prepare for this 3rd Level Manager forum.
... Rumbling apologizes, Mr. Commenter, if you feel anything was misstated, or misleading, but based on the original emails to on 4/18, others felt that Randi's comments and attitude where wrong and set a negative mood for most in attendance. We appreciate your input. Please continue to respond.

The phone is ringing (update)

Our friends, "The View from 14" emailed Rumblings overnight and wanted to update us on the on-going City telephone debacle.

"Word comes in that overnight ITA Computer Operators (working out of civil service classification, by the way) were calling those so-called out of service or unused City of LA assigned telephone numbers. As it turns out, a few of those numbers are actually constituents home telephones. Needless to say apologies and some explaining was necessary."

So now we are waking the good citizens of Los Angeles, because we don't have a better plan on how to figure our way out of this problem? "Good morning, just wanted to make sure you were in deep REMs, you can go back to sleep now knowing we have the best and the brightest running the Information Technology Agency.

Rumblings can only imagine the phone calls to the Mayor or council offices today.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ding, Dong...the wicked warlock is dead!

Word came in this morning that Ken Simmons announced in the Executive Managers meeting that he is leaving ITA, effective May 9, 2008.

As word spread, low-key celebrations happened throughout ITA. However, a cautious pause still remains. Perhaps, once we get a Randi-gram making the announcement official, we can all stop holding our collective breaths.

One fellow Rumbler was heard to exhalt, "One down, one to go!"

Rumblings had received a teaser on this matter early last week, but the decision was made to hold any announcement until a solid confirmation was obtained.
On 4/21, one commenter asked:
Is Simmons being forced out and is he leaving City of LA employment for good? Or he just being transferred elsewhere?
Good question, if anyone knows more specifics, please comment. Still no Randi-gram on this, perhaps he just wants to melt away.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Stupidus Maximus Award Nominee

Thanks to a fellow Rumbler for the following comments and link:

Workforce Management Magazine analyzes the human resources (HR) trends in the public and private sectors and provides the tools that drive business results. Their Optimus Award recognizes forward-thinking management initiatives that achieve amazing business results for their organization. Anybody in ITA meet the requirements? Hmmmm...what about their Stupidus Maximus Award? The Stupidus Maximus Award recognizes the most ignorant, shortsighted and dumb workforce management practice of the year.

Check out their last year's winner:

Have we got Optimus or Stupidus in ITA? And the nominees are.........?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Another Randi presentation

Back in early March, Rumblings reported that ITA's own GM and CTO would be representing LA at an IT briefing called "Beyond the Beltway".

For those of you interested in what Randi had to say, here is her presentation from that day, March 31, 2008.

Not the greatest presentation, but it certainly sheds a more positive light on the work you do than the one that Randi gave earlier in the year (see January posts).

If you would like this or any other document published here, just email Rumblings. *** Reminder - not one document published on Rumblings was taken from one of Randi's locked down file servers. ***

Turns out with the 311 "shut-down" fiasco averted, Cesar Chavez Day wasn't such a bad day for Randi and ITA after all.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

311 swamped Friday

Rumblings reads on the LA Daily Blog (Covering fraud, waste and abuse in Southern California), that the well known LA City Council agitator and blog moderator Zuma Dogg, called ITA's own 311 Friday evening and asked to be connected to Council member Alarcon's voice mail. As it turns out, Alarcon doesn't have voice mail. Didn't have it when he first took office and still doesn't have voice mail today.

The 311 operator Zuma was speaking to openly stated, "That's not very good if a constituent needs service." Zuma retorted, "I'm sure the campaign contributors have a direct line.

After the 311 operator fumbled for a few moments she said, "I'm sorry, it's been a hectic day here." Zuma said, "Oh Really?" She added, "Yeah...People have been calling all day about something happening here at City Hall. The shift gets here at 7:00 am, and when I got here at 8:30 am, there was a full switchboard, with 25 calls in the cue. That's highly unusual for that hour."

Zuma asked her, "What happened?" She said it was in response to a motion by Council member Zine everyone is calling about (It was Special Order 40, LAPD rights to investigate gang members citizenship status).

Of course the 311 operator had no clue she was speaking to the same Zuma Dogg who had announced the impending Council vote on KABC and urged citizens to make "One call to City Hall" to voice their concerns. How cool is it that an announcement made on a radio talk show earlier in the day was still rocking City Hall to the point where the 311 operators are complaining openly at 6pm that evening?

The 311 operator also mentioned to Zuma, "Oh, I read your blog." And even told him about another blog (Perhaps Rumblings?) that mentions his name.
In Zuma's words, "A complete and total victory across the board".

Nice comments from one of ITA's own at 311. Certainly we hope our ITA Rumbling pals in 311 weren't too overtaxed on Friday. Especially since the City Council looks like it will vote down the special order (10-5, based on current polling).
Maybe, as a concession, Randi and Roger can try and shut down 311 for the Memorial Day Holiday. Sure.

Perhaps this department, with all of it's telephone expertise (see previous blogs), might want to look into hooking up the councilman with some voice mail.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hitting a nerve

Voting has ended in the third Rumblings in ITA Poll:

"Should Randi apologize to ITA staff for calling them cowards and wusses?".

Votes (%)

Yes - 47 (81%)

No - 11 (19%)

Thanks to all that voted.

Obviously, no one expects Randi to apologize, the point of this poll was to bring out the lack of professionalism at that level in ITA. It's also clear your rumbling has hit a nerve on the 14th floor.

Oh Boy! Two more "Casual Fridays"

For those of you with an RDO on Friday, here's what you did get from Randi today:


April is Clean Your Files Month. For the next 2 Friday's in April (18th & 25th) please plan on dressing casual ( jeans, tennis shoes) so you can work on going through your hard copy files and reducing unneeded paper files (e.g. where electronic copies exist) in your offices.

Please see the attached documentation regarding the annual campaign and additional tips on how to reduce paper usage throughout the year. Thank you for your attention and contribution to helping support the environment!


Randi Levin
General Manager and Chief Technology Officer
(213) 978-3311

But hey, we ITA Rumblers are as environmentally conscious as the next bloggers, so please do your part.

Layoffs - Mini Mayor spins it today

Here is a City memo that you will not get from ITA management:



Date: April 11, 2008

To: Department Personnel Directors

From: Tom Coultas, Assistant City Administrative Officer


For your information:

1. Today at noon the Mayor will be holding a press conference to discuss the ‘people impacts’ of the cuts proposed in his up-coming budget.

2. The Mayor plans to stress the City’s top priorities and core functions (including continuing current police hiring plan). He will also express the need to spread the cuts appropriately to protect these priorities and core functions while minimizing the effect on services to the public.

3. The Mayor will be announcing that the deficit for Fiscal Year 2008-09 is just over $400 million.

4. The proposed budget will include the elimination of over 700 positions, some of which are vacant, but many of which are existing City employees. If asked, position elimination will also likely include short-term layoffs such as mandatory furloughs, reduced workweeks, or unpaid City shutdown periods.

5. The Mayor is setting a target of $1.50 in cuts for every $1.00 in revenue received from the new/increased fees in his proposed budget.

From after Mini Mayor spoke:

Villaraigosa to slash 767 jobs, impose 'deep and painful' cuts to close L.A. budget gap. He promises $1.50 in cuts for every $1 in new fees imposed to close a $406-million spending gap.

By David Zahniser, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer, 2:52 PM PDT

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said today that he would cut 767 jobs this year to eliminate a $406-million budget shortfall as the city tries to weather a prolonged economic downturn.

With sales and property tax revenue lagging, Villaraigosa also promised to impose $1.50 in cuts for every $1 in new fees handed down to taxpayers and consumers of city services in his proposed budget.Villaraigosa refused to reveal what services would be scaled back, saying only that there would be "deep and painful cuts." He also sent strong signals that he will pursue a range of fee hikes, including an increase in the city's trash collection fee.

The mayor has already asked the city's budget analysts to look at increasing the trash fee by up to $12 per month, from to $38 from $26. "We're looking at the biggest budget deficit in L.A. history, so we're going to have to make the tough choices," he said.

Villaraigosa offered his budget teaser three days before his scheduled State of the City speech, an address that is expected to focus heavily on the city's fight against gangs. One week after that address, the mayor will release his budget for the 2008-09 fiscal year, which begins July 1.By cutting 767 positions, Villaraigosa would bring down the size of the city's budgeted workforce by roughly 2% -- just above the level when he took office. Although some of those positions are vacant, Villaraigosa predicted that some employees would be laid off from their jobs. Villaraigosa said none of the reductions would apply to police or fire fighting positions.

A representative of Service Employees International Union Local 721, which represents city workers, refused to say whether it would lobby against the reductions. Simboa Wright, a member of the SEIU's bargaining team at City Hall, said his members are trying to come up with ideas to soften the effect of the budget crunch.

"We are going to do our best to assist the city with their problem," he said.The proposal for cuts and fee increases comes a few months after Villaraigosa signed off on a five-year package of pay raises for roughly 22,000 city workers. The plan also coincides with Villaraigosa's continuing effort to hire 1,000 new officers for the Los Angeles Police Department, which hit the halfway mark earlier this year.

To keep that program intact, the city's elected officials have been trying to determine how many fees they can raise -- and services they can reduce -- without incurring the wrath of constituents.

Council members have raised the possibility of shifting the cost of sidewalk repairs from city government to property owners.Councilwoman Janice Hahn proposed a new oil extraction fee. Councilman Bill Rosendahl has proposed a four-fold increase in parking meter fees.

Action or no action

"Dear Rumblings Team,

After reading the posts on the Rumblings in ITA blog, it is pretty obvious that there is a great deal of dissatisfaction with the current crop of political appointees. The terms "management" or "leadership" don't appear to apply in this case. What can be done to improve the situation?

There are three possible paths before us: 1. Nothing changes, 2. Randi and Ken step up and lead the department and 3. Randi and Ken leave the department to be replaced by unknown persons. From the reactions noted on Rumblings, it does not appear that Randi or Ken are likely to change their modus operandi on their own initiative, making the first path the most likely path. For the second path to be taken, there must be some driving force to cause the changes. It is not likely that this blog is sufficient to cause the required change. The third path will be taken when the driving force from the previous path is applied and Randi or Ken refuse to change, seeking career opportunities elsewhere.

Clearly, there is a desire among the rank and file in ITA to bring about change for the better. It does not take a rocket scientist to understand how politics works in Los Angeles, and the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that our voices can be heard. Not simply posting our grievances on Rumblings, but by using the same mechanisms that drive the elected leadership of our fair City to bring about the changes needed so that the rank and file can do their jobs efficiently, effectively and without fear of coercion, retaliation or the corrupt effects of inappropriate influence from self serving contractors and vendors.

How can this be done? The strategy is to influence our Mayor and select Council members through lobbying and financial support. The Mayor will run for re-election next year, and needs about $1 Million to keep his job. By combining efforts, we can get the attention of the Mayor and Council. This is completely legal, ethical and unstoppable. Unless Randi or Ken has made some sort of egregious error, it is unlikely that either will be fired outright. But probing questions concerning their effectiveness can make their lives difficult, so difficult that they will either change (unlikely) or seek employment elsewhere (remember John Hwang, Jesse Juarros and Liza Lowrey???). We have three avenues to do this:

1. Contact our various union leadership and ask them to visit the Mayor and select Council members. We need to detail the dubious deeds of Randi and Ken to the unions so they can ask the Mayor and Council members to investigate. If they don't want to pursue the matter, the Union can remind them that their endorsement, and cash, can be directed to their opponents come election time. The down side of this is that the unions may not feel that our little department is worth spending their political capital to support. The up side is the anonymity by using the union business representatives as our advocate.

2. Each of us can contribute up to $1,000 to the Mayor's re-election campaign and $500 to a Council member's campaign. Strings attached. We can also contribute to the campaigns of the respective opponents. The down side is that there is no anonymity, your name will be known. The up side is that Randi or Ken can not prove that you did anything more than support a candidate for office, something both of them do.

3. We form a Political Action Committee (PAC) with the stated objective of promoting effective policies and legislation related to the use of technology in Los Angeles government. We contribute our own money, and seek contribution from our industry partners, especially those who have been shut out by the improper influence over Randi and Ken. The PAC then puts its weight, which could be significant, behind the effort to remove Randi and Ken, and to persuade the Mayor and Council to adopt good IT policies. The down side is that there may not be anonymity for contributors. The up side is that we can bring in much more money (equals influence) to bring about the changes we need.

The choice is clear, you can cry about being called a coward or you can show Ms. Levin and Mr. Simmons that we have picked up the gauntlet. Game on!

Please feel free to respond to"

Rumblings thanks you for your great e-mail.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


In the latest show of professionalism by ITA management, the General Manager has resorted to name calling. While ITA staff understand that the GM has been exposed by this blog, and is perhaps hurt that staff have turned against her, she seems to have the notion that just one manager or individual is responsible for all of this "transparency".

Alas, she is wrong, a true "team" exists both within ITA and elsewhere. That team is growing, at all levels. When you read and share this blog, you are a member. Rumblings wants to again thank everyone who has taken the time to send a kind word and share information and links in their emails.

Rumblings will continue to post any and all information it receives. Without bias. As you have seen, in many cases, there are positive comments directed at Randi and other managers. Unlike others, this "team" accepts all views, so do not hesitate.

Keep on Rumbling

Friday, April 4, 2008

Who is the real coward?

Rumblings has learned that Madame ITA herself has called this blog out and told ITA staff members, "if you are the author, then you are a coward and a wuss". In a meeting earlier this week she also stated that, "her door is always open, if anyone has complaints or comments".

Well Randi's door may well be open but clearly no one is home. Staff made it very clear to her, in her own "lunchtime" meetings that the number one factor in ITA's low morale and negativity is Ken Simmons. Has anything been done about this out-of-control, ethically challenged tyrant? The answer is an unequivocal "NO".

Obviously the real coward is:

- A General Manager who supports an XO who has verbally abused ITA employees numerous times, to the point that some employees are known to carry pepper spray out of fear.

- A General Manager who supports an XO that verbally abused his former Department of Housing employees numerous times, to the point that a lawsuit was filed against him and the department.

- A General Manager who supports an XO that is known to have ripped off the citizens of Redondo Beach by accepting a buy-out after getting axed for dealing in unethical practices like spying on employee union meetings.

- A General Manager and AGM that sit by idly while Mayors Office, City Council Office and City Attorney personnel abuse ITA support staffs, resulting in unnecessary stress levels for these hardworking people.

- A General Manager who hides information instead of allowing it to be disseminated it to her "team". After all, they have the right to know what's going on in ITA, warts and all.

- A General Manager that surrounds herself by "YES" men and women who discourage mid-level managers and staff with differing opinions.

- An XO that uses fear and intimidation tactics to manage ITA mid-level managers and rank and file staff.

- A Human Resources division that chooses to persecute the legal use of sick time and ignores their implicit duties of helping and supporting ITA personnel.

Madame Levin may well have the support of her "YES" men and women, but judging from the reaction and encouragement of this blog, she does not have the support of the people that actually do the work in the department.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The phone is ringing, but no one is home...

Thanks to our friends and fellow Rumblers at "The View from 14" for sharing another bit of ITA clue-lessness. They were able to share this outrageous story with the local media and other blog sites in the last few days:
"Word comes in that there are upwards of 10,000 (perhaps more) City of LA phone numbers that have gone unused for at least six months. The City is still paying service fees on these numbers to the telephone companies.

The Information Technology Agency is tasked with managing communications projects, including voice communications (i.e. telephones) for the City. The departments' solution? Have a group of 311 operators and other ITA staff members (working out of civil service classification by the way) manually call each and every number to see if it is in use or not. Estimations have this process taking months.

You would think a department on the cutting edge of technology solutions would have a better plan. Guess not. Have you got one?? Call Randi Levin (ITA General Manager and Chief Technology Officer) at (213) 978-3311. Let's hope she answers so they don't discontinue her service".
Great, just what this department needs blasted on the pages of the L.A. Times or Daily News. Wonders never cease.
While Rumblings has published many items from of brothers and sisters at "The View from 14", they wanted us to let you know to be on the lookout for their own blog site in the coming days.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

You gave Simmons the boot

It was a good April Fools dream.

In Rumblings second "totally unscientific" voters poll,
9 out of 10 of you have voted to give Simmons his walking papers.

Here are the final numbers to the question: "If you were the GM, what would you recommend to the Civil Service Commission as Simmons punishment for his egregious behavior?"

A. One week suspension - no pay: 0 votes (0%)
B. More than one week suspension - no pay: 1 vote (1.5%)
C. Re-assignment in ITA, limited staff supervision: 3 v
otes (4.5%)
D. Either A or B and C: 2 votes (3%)
E. Resignation/Termination: 60 votes (91%)

While all of us realize it was just a pipe dream, like Mini Mayor said in his inauguration speech "dream with us".

Recent e-mails and post comments have identified this blog, as having a positive impact on ITA staff morale levels. If the least this page does is make you laugh or better yet, make you think, then it's worth the space.