Wednesday, February 20, 2008

More rumblings

We are sure all of ITA has received this missive from the illustrious ITA Time Keeper,

"Fellow Colleagues:

At last count, 339 employees responded to the Work Furlough Survey. ITA would like ALL full-time employees to participate in this survey. If you do not intend to take any work furlough days, please indicate so in the survey. Ruben B. Vasquez Jr. Personnel Director"

Rumblings wants to say "Thanks" to the 60% of our fellow ITA Rumblers that resisted the opportunity to bail out City management. We hope that the 2pm deadline today came and went with not many more chiming in. Rumblings is certain that pressure will be placed upon ITA managers to get everyone who has not, to respond. Hold fast to your convictions. Even if your response is HELL NO, NO FURLOUGH! to the survey, why respond via some website that has no built in prevention for fraud and erroneous data being submitted or posted.

The question also begs; Why should you bail out the Mayor, City Council and City management when they have created this mess themselves and now want to lay it on your backs? Are they taking 5 days off? Are they giving up their "company" cars? Not likely.

We have read in recent days about the largess at DWP. Do you really believethat ITA is that much different? No, it is not, thanks to Ken Simmons. The menace that once patrolled the hallways of Redondo Beach and LA City's Housing Department washed up on ITA shores a couple years back.

What was his mis-management of funds for a library project in Redondo and very expensive law suits stemming from abuse of employees at Housing (still pending?), is now an out of control 311 project, sucking funds from all other ITA coffers, and a mass exodus of ITA brain power to avoid this mans on-going abuse and lack of management skills (let alone IT expertise).

The best and the brightest are leaving ITA in numbers. Morale is at an all time low and the GM is clueless about that fact, even asking her exec "team " if its really that bad. Yes madame IT the cancer is within and it's stems from your right hand mans management by "fear and intimidation" tactics.

Unfortunately for Villaraigosa and Levin, the solution will be a lot more expensive than 100K and a "thanks for your wonderful service, Ken" that he got in Redondo Beach. The City Council may be paying off a lot more big law suits like they already are because of his mis-deeds at Housing.

Other City IT managers must be licking their chops at the possibilities within the ITA talent pool. Congrats Randi, because you have backed the man that wants your job, you have succeeded in strengthening other departments IT capabilities and weakened your own. Smart cookie.

Rumblings wants to thank our friends at ITA and elsewhere in the City "team". Please continue to forward this message to all of your City friends and partners.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's an update on how much participation the furlough program really has, so far, from 3/15/2008.
"Villaraigosa held a news conference Thursday to thank his staffers for taking the greatest number of furlough days in city government -- 58. The council and the controller's office, he said, had taken zero.

Council President Eric Garcetti responded by announcing that the council will cut its office budget by $1.2 million -- the equivalent of 4,046 furlough days.

Chick said that by March 1, the furlough plan had saved roughly $98,000 -- far less than the $20 million originally sought by Villaraigosa."

Considering the original project vs. what was "saved" by March 1, why should a reasonable person believe any of the projected numbers management and elected officials are quoting.