Friday, April 18, 2008

The phone is ringing (update)

Our friends, "The View from 14" emailed Rumblings overnight and wanted to update us on the on-going City telephone debacle.

"Word comes in that overnight ITA Computer Operators (working out of civil service classification, by the way) were calling those so-called out of service or unused City of LA assigned telephone numbers. As it turns out, a few of those numbers are actually constituents home telephones. Needless to say apologies and some explaining was necessary."

So now we are waking the good citizens of Los Angeles, because we don't have a better plan on how to figure our way out of this problem? "Good morning, just wanted to make sure you were in deep REMs, you can go back to sleep now knowing we have the best and the brightest running the Information Technology Agency.

Rumblings can only imagine the phone calls to the Mayor or council offices today.


Anonymous said...

Which AGM or set of managers is responsible for this?

How many times will we wake up some LA resident before we stop this madness?

Have the City Council and Mayors Office been apprised of this?

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most idiotic plans that I've ever heard of!!!

Anonymous said...

WHY is the City paying for constituents home telephones???? This needs to go to Chick, ITA needs to be audited! Zuma Dog we need you to get to the bottom of this.