Thursday, April 3, 2008

The phone is ringing, but no one is home...

Thanks to our friends and fellow Rumblers at "The View from 14" for sharing another bit of ITA clue-lessness. They were able to share this outrageous story with the local media and other blog sites in the last few days:
"Word comes in that there are upwards of 10,000 (perhaps more) City of LA phone numbers that have gone unused for at least six months. The City is still paying service fees on these numbers to the telephone companies.

The Information Technology Agency is tasked with managing communications projects, including voice communications (i.e. telephones) for the City. The departments' solution? Have a group of 311 operators and other ITA staff members (working out of civil service classification by the way) manually call each and every number to see if it is in use or not. Estimations have this process taking months.

You would think a department on the cutting edge of technology solutions would have a better plan. Guess not. Have you got one?? Call Randi Levin (ITA General Manager and Chief Technology Officer) at (213) 978-3311. Let's hope she answers so they don't discontinue her service".
Great, just what this department needs blasted on the pages of the L.A. Times or Daily News. Wonders never cease.
While Rumblings has published many items from of brothers and sisters at "The View from 14", they wanted us to let you know to be on the lookout for their own blog site in the coming days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a list of phone numbers registered to ITA and some sort of tracker for dialed numbers... like a phone bill perhaps? They should just organize the database of numbers and the phone bill in 2 spread sheets and then cross-reference it. What numbers have been used in the past 3 months stays. What has not been in use should be automatically deleted.